HD 68988 is a star with 1.28 times the mass of the Sun, and 1.19 times its radius. It is located 198.45 light years away from the solar system and is estimated to be 6 billion years old, as compared to the Sun which is roughly 4.6 billion years old.
HD 68988 is known to have 1 exoplanets in orbit around it.
HD 68988 b was discovered by the Multiple Observatories observatory, in 2002-03, using the radial velocity method. Its semi-major axis is 0.07 astronomical units, as compared to Earth's which is 1 astronomical unit. The mass of HD 68988 b is 626.460 times the mass of Earth. The radius of HD 68988 b is 13.400 that of Earth. At more than 50 Earth masses, HD 68988 b is a gas giant, a planet whose mass is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium, like Jupiter and Saturn in our solar system.